ROLE: Project Manager

Abayomi Alabi🌹
3 min readJan 24, 2022

TOOLS: Microsoft Excel, Google Docs, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Slack

InPACT is a learning management platform where learners can seamlessly get help while taking a course.

InPACT is the result of an intensive Hackathon organized by Novustack during the third edition of Innovate Readiness Training.​ Fellows, divided into teams, presented different challenges people face and created solutions using the Design Thinking approach. My team developed a low-fidelity mock-up of our minimum viable product (MVP) within two weeks and presented it at a pitch to a group of judges.

We needed to EMPATHIZE

I started by helping the team see the challenges individuals face as regards self-learning through online educational platforms. A team of like-minded fellows was formed (Aspire). We brainstormed on the intensified challenge were able to identify who our end users are (User Persona).​

We verified our assumptions by conducting primary market research (PMR). We interviewed 6 young adults that fit the description of our audience. Through well-formulated open-ended questions, our interviewees freely express themselves and helped us gain clarity on what the problem truly is. They also proffered possible solutions which were pivotal to our end result.

We found out that…

1 User find it challenging to get quick responses to questions they have while taking an online course

2 They wanted a live session and chat feature that can aid in getting quicker responses to questions.

Everything became DEFINED

Our PMR revealed the major challenges faced by these young learners looking to expand their knowledge. We realize that what one needs to get help when stuck and the period of time taken to get this help is the root cause of it all.

It was time to IDEATE and Design

Following the design decision of the team, Mujeeb Jummah a design expert part of the team came up with several low fidelity mock-ups from our unique selling point which includes:​

- Integration of Live Session

- AI Bot for swift responses

- InCall Schedule feature

We presented to Experts and got invaluable Feedback

Good approach undergoing the development lifecycle. Appreciate the marketing structure and introduce data into making decisions. — Nana

Great prototype and design.​ — Margaret

Good presentation slides.​ — Quadri

The pitch deck is nicely designed.​ — Meighan

Below is the link to the pitch deck slide.

Pitch deck slide

